Up until the November elections of 2012, California was once regarded as the state with the harshest “Three Strikes” law in the country. Before Proposition 36 was passed, Prop 184, most commonly known as the “Three Strikes” law, imposed harsher sentencing for repeating offenders. When passed by voters in 1994, second time offenders received double the prison sentence of the first felony, while third time offenders would receive 25 years to life in prison. As a direct result of the “Three Strikes” law, in 2011 8,800 inmates were serving prison terms in California’s prison system. After passing with a 69% voter approval rating, Proposition 36 modifies parts of California’s “Three Strikes” law that would change future sentencing and would allow the possibility for re-sentencing for convicted felons.

About Us

Richard: Hi everyone I'm Richard Sanchez. I'm currently a freshman attending CSUN. My major is Graphic Design. I come from Pasadena, Ca. Some of my hobbies include drawing, playing videos games, and exercising. I became interested in Prop 36 mainly because I didn't take the time during the election to know what it was. Once I learned that it was involved with California's "Three Strikes" law, I became intrigued.

I hope that my readers understand how important it is to vote. Many of my viewers are of legal voting age and I hope that they become inspired to get active in politics. Our judicial system may not seem important if we are not a part of it, but it affects our community as a whole. I hope my viewers learn the perimeters of Prop 36 and whom it affects.

What I found to be the most interesting was how many of these issues are not new subjects. There has always been talk about reforming our “Three Strikes” law by claiming it was unjust and cruel. It was also interesting to learn that many of these props resemble current issues in our society. Prop 184 passed because of tragic cases where young innocent girls were being murdered by repeating offenders. California grew tired and took action to take repeating offenders off the streets.

I learned that many props pass because of how much money is being spent to advertise to the public. Prop 66 was shot down mainly due to the major difference in funding. Commercials are the best way to gain supporters. If a prop is good, but doesn’t have the major funding as its rival, it might not pass. I will apply this knowledge by looking into each prop separately, and not relying on what is being told through the media.

I recommend viewers to simply watch the news each morning while getting ready for school. This is the best way to gain simple knowledge of social issues that are affecting our communities. Also, there are plenty of websites that sum up these propositions and may also show the cause and effects of each one.

Henry: Hi my name is Henry Hong. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. My family consists of my parents, my two older sisters, and I. I look forward to how far I will be able to go and will take pleasure in every bit of it.

I hope the readers will find my blog to be an educational source of information. By sharing useful material with others will they gain a new political outlook on government.

I found Prop 36 to be interesting as I learned about where it came from and the changes this law will make to the original version, Prop 186. Listening to the many different stories on how people were affected by the original law astounded me.

I learned about Prop 36 and how the government enforces the law on committed crimes. I will apply this knowledge to my life by being more involved in politics and spreading the word to others.

I would recommend readers to look more into Prop 36 and other laws with hopes of inspiring them to active in politics.

Hello, I'm Joseph LeGarreta. I'm from the San Fernando Valley and I am currently a freshman at CSUN studying Computer Information Technology. I enjoy films, sports, playing the guitar, and I always like learning something new.

I hope to open the minds of those who read this blog to all sides of proposition 36, and perhaps even change their perspectives.

I found it very interesting how prior to writing this blog I didn't have a solid opinion on proposition 36. However, after having done research and reading numerous articles, I can say I am in favor of the proposition.

I learned that issues like this are not always black and white. If you take the time to read other people's perspectives on issues and their experiences, it is likely to have an effect on you. It is important that people in our society take the time to research current events and educate themselves. I'm a busy person just like anyone else, but I aim to set aside a bit of time every day to read the news. Issues like proposition 36 effect us all, even if indirectly.

I recommend the readers keep an open mind while going through this blog, and try to understand not only what the authors wrote, but the authors themselves.

Logan Wilson

My name is Logan Wilson I am a republican and I am I am 19 years old. I’m an admirer of the great President Ronald Reagan. I currently am attending CSUN and I am studying to become a political science major. I enjoy taking long walks on the beach as I listen in to my local fox radio station. I occasionally listen to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones because these two men are great patriots in this amazing country we call America.

What I hope that readers will learn from my blog is the arguments and statements the opposition of prop 36 have. I would just want them to be aware of the dangers of prop 36 passing and the effect it can have on our society.

The most interesting part of the project was the research and learning the personal stories of people (for example Mike Reynolds) who oppose the prop 36 because it would be too lenient towards criminals. These stories usually had a loved one murdered by someone who had committed petty crimes before and then ended up committing a violent crime.

What I learned is that there are criminals who are unpredictable and can commit violent crimes while others learn their lesson and stop committing crime . With this when I am around known criminals I will be a little more cautious about my safety otherwise I will treat them the same as another human being for the time being.

The recommendations I have for the reader is that to look and read all the arguments for prop 36 that were published in the general election ballots and to read some of the sources that I have listed in my blog because they contain a wealth of information that argues that prop 36 should not pass.

Logan Wilson (Franky Espinoza)

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